Do you have a bunch of cans and bottles taking up space in your garage AND you'd like to help out the Vanier Music Department? Head over to the Courtenay Bottle Depot and add your return funds to our account. Simply ask to have the return profits put into Account #530Vanier Music Department and know that we sincerely Thank You!
NEXT Bottle Drive - Saturday, January 4, 2025 !Sign Up HERE !
Driver & Collector Crew Flyers MUST BE DISTRIBUTED in advance of your shift. THIS IS A VITAL PART OF THE BOTTLE DRIVE! Files for distribution available in the music room, below, and in the header of the sign up page. Funds will be divided into Student Volunteer Accounts (75%) and the Music Department General Travel fund (25%). The 75% will be divided evenly amongst those who worked the Bottle Drive including adult volunteers. We cannot run a bottle drive without adult helpers!
Example: Total profits are $1000 --> $750 for student accounts, $250 for Music Department There are 23 volunteer slots. $750 split 23 ways = $32.60 You can sign up for MAX 2 slots. Your adult can also sign up for 2 slots. You then receive 4 portions of the $750. $32.60x4= $130.40
Purdy's Chocolates - Christmas Campaign (End November 24, 2024)
You can order online! If you'd like to support a specific students, please be sure to include their name on the order so that their account can receive credit. -> ORDER HERE <- All orders must be in by Friday, November 24, 2024.
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World's Finest Chocolates
One of the easiest fundraisers! RED CASE: Continental Almonds ($3 each) BLUE CASE: Nut Free Variety ($3 each) 6 units of Milk Chocolate & Almond Bar, 6 Crisp Bars, 6 Caramel Bars, 6 Pure Milk Chocolate, 6 Dark Chocolate GREEN CASE: Peanut Free Variety ($3 each) 12 units of Crisp Bars, 12 Pure Milk Chocolate, 6 Caramel Bars
Student returns $90 to School for each case. Profit per case for Individual Student Account: RED CASE $39.60 (44% Profit), BLUE/GREEN CASES $44.10 (49% Profit)
There is no limit on the number of suitcases a student can sell but they may only sign out a maximum of two suitcases at a time. Only once those have been paid in full are they able to sign out additional cases.
PAYMENT OPTIONS Option 1: Full payment is due at the time the student signs out a suitcase of chocolate with the profit deposited into their music fundraising account.
Option 2: Students sign out a suitcase of chocolates and then owe the Music Department payment in full due at the end of January. IMPORTANT: We will not be accepting loose coins as payment this year, only rolled coins, cash, or cheque. We also will not be accepting partially sold boxes of chocolates. ONCE THE CASE IS OPENED, IT CANNOT BE RETURNED!
Receipts for payment will be issued to students in a timely manner. Payments will be accepted in Music Room ONLY, not the main office!
West Coast Seeds - January 2025
"West Coast Seeds is proud to provide fundraising opportunities for schools and organizations that gives back 40% of the packet price. We believe that our fundraising program provides a healthy alternative and environmentally friendly option with a choice of our best-selling varieties of vegetables, herbs and flowers. "
Each music student will earn 40% of the price of each seed package sold and will go directly their fundraising account for the upcoming travel opportunities.
If you decide to order:
Ordering is now open and closing on January 31, 2024
Go to the West Coast Seeds Fundraising website to view the online catalogue, including product photos, product descriptions and detailed growing information.
Each customer will order directly from the fundraising site and it needs to be the fundraising site! They will be asked to create an account (name/email) and then they can proceed to shop.
Once their cart is ready to check out...
Select GP Vanier Music Department (Organization)
Enter Name of Student <-- This is important if you wish to receive credit for the order!
Add their phone number
Yes, customers do need to include their address HOWEVER items will NOT be shipped to them but to Vanier.
Add payment method and transaction is complete.
Only the seed packages on the fundraising website will qualify for the 40% profit. Any orders from their main website will not qualify and will be subject to additional shipping charges.
When the bulk order arrives at the school, we will sort and distribute to students who participated so they can deliver the orders to their customers.
Poinsettia Sales (November)
Looking to add some cheer to the season? Purchase a poinsettia from a Vanier Music Student.All 6.5 inch plants include a decorative foil pot cover. Colour choices are Red, Pink, White
Customer Cost per plant (including tax): $16.00 Student Profit per plant: $5.50 Music Department Profit (for General Travel Account): $0.98 Orders will be submitted to Hilltop Greenhouses (in Victoria, BC) Plants will be delivered to Vanier on November 28 ready for pick up that day or Nov 29..
Students, please provide your customers with a receipt. ORDERS DUE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7